Selasa, Agustus 16, 2022

Dear tya

It is never gonna be easy
It is gonna be a long sprint
But it is the path you chose
And it is gonna be worth it

Sure you can leave anytime you want
But you stay
Sure you can take a break as long as you like
But you stay

Dear tya.
You are not the victim of the system
It's your choice to stay, to learn,
And to be responsible.

Dear tya,
kan ga ada yang maksa kamu buat jadi PPDS.
Ga ada yang maksa kamu juga buat jadi PPDS di UI.
Udah tau kan bakal jadi panitia berbagai macam acara? Udah tau kan kalau jadi EO adalah kompetensi dasar di semester awal PPDS? 

Dear tya,
please, dont forget to have fun along the journey :)