Rabu, Mei 25, 2016

Unspoke words

There was no tomorrow
For a soul that gone
There was no tomorrow
For an opportunity that gone

There was no tomorrow
To say the good news
that he is forgiven
that God loves him

There was no tomorrow
I should have known it
There was no tomorrow
I shouldn't judge

It was his fault
It was the curse he got
for all the bad things he done
for all the wrong paths he chose

But there was no tomorrow
For the unspoke words.

Rest in peace

Jumat, Mei 06, 2016

God of The Poor (Beauty for Brokenness)

Pertama kali denger dan nyanyi lagu ini pas di KMdN XIII. Waktu itu hampir setiap hari sepanjang acara pasti ada lagu ini. Apa aku suka lagu ini? Jelas! Hahaha. Kalo enggak ngapain sampai di post di blog. So enjoy, hope you like it too :)

Beauty for brokenness
Hope for despair
Lord, in the suffering
This is our prayer
Bread for the children
Justice, joy, peace
Sunrise to sunset
Your kingdom increase!

Shelter for fragile lives
Cures for their ills
Work for the craftsman
Trade for their skills
Land for the dispossessed
Rights for the weak
Voices to plead the cause
Of those who can't speak

God of the poor
Friend of the weak
Give us compassion we pray
Melt our cold hearts
Let tears fall like rain
Come, change our love
From a spark to a flame

Refuge from cruel wars 
Havens from fear
Cities for sanctuary
Freedoms to share
Peace to the killing-fields
Scorched earth to green
Christ for the bitterness
His cross for the pain

Rest for the ravaged earth
Oceans and streams
Plundered and poisoned
Our future, our dreams
Lord, end our madness
Carelessness, greed
Make us content with
The things that we need

Lighten our darkness
Breathe on this flame
Until your justice
Burns brightly again
Until the nations
Learn of your ways
Seek your salvation
And bring you their praise

Minggu, Mei 01, 2016

Promise me to be strong

Promise me to be strong
Promise me to always put on a smile even though your feet hurt
Promise me to always put on a smile even though your heart aches the most
Promise me to always keep your eyes open wide for those in need
Promise me to hold your tears when they can not control their words
Promise me to always think straight, even when the Goliaths running toward you
Promise me to always have a warm heart so that you can warm others
Promise me to always do the right things, even when others do not
Promise me to drink as much water as you can to stabilize your mood
Promise me to eat healthy food as much as I can to keep your brain's Na-K pump working
Because these days dan sleepless night won't last forever. And trust me, you'll gonna miss it someday.
Promise me to be strong