Kamis, April 30, 2015

Kiss of Heaven - Darlene Zschech

This song is as sweet as cotton candy
As warm as a hug
Like a couple of wings
As light as jingle bells

Aku suka konsep video ini. Awalnya ngerasa, kok video clipnya sedih, enggak cocok sama lagunya yang riang. Terkadang, lagu sedih tidak selalu identik dengan bad day, tapi bisa jadi pengingat di hari bahagia. Begitupula lagu menyenangkan bisa jadi penyemangat di situasi yang tidak menyenangkan.

Awal tau lagu ini adalah waktu beli buku dengan judul yang sama. Di beberapa halaman terakhir ada lirik lagu ini. Liriknya terlihat membosankan. Tapi akhirnya coba cari di youtube. Pertama kali denger langsung suka. Suka banget! Lagu ini kayaknya bakal pas banget buat bekal selama koas. Membayangkan gimana nantinya 2 tahun muter-muter rumah sakit, bolak balik kayak setrikaan, bagging semalaman, jaga drip-dripan, dorong EKG kemana-mana, tidur 2 jam sehari, menghadapi konsulen pas morning report, nulis berlembar-lembar rekam medis, dan berbagai latihan lainnya.

I'm living on the embrace of heaven, and i'll never ever be the same again..

Yudisium ceria :-)

This day will be remembered. March 25th 2015.
Thanks be to God, Aditya Angela Adam is officially S.Ked.
Setelah tiga setengah tahun lebih muter-muter FK, bolak-balik slide kuliah, ngerjain ribuan soal, dan menghadapi ratusan ujian. Hari ini akhirnya datang :)
Perjalanan sesungguhnya baru akan dimulai!
(backsong: OST Detective Conan)

Best day of all

I always remembered the day,
one of the best days of my life
when you called literally everyone
told them how proud you are of me

the day when all the pains we felt were worth the price
the day when God convinced His inevitable promise to us
the day when every tears were happiness
the day when we sang the song of gratefulness

Until today, you always introduce me with a proud to all your friends.
There will comes a day when i stop asking you for money
and i promise, you will spend the rest of your life in peace,
doing everything you love to do

Malang, April 30th 2015

Minggu, April 12, 2015

Fogged eyes

I am not gonna live by what i see
I am not gonna live by what i feel
Ditengah tumpukan tugas yang menjemukan, puluhan jurnal yang harus dibaca dan dipahami.
Ditengah berbagai dateline dan target.
Disaat 24 sks terasa seperti 64 sks.

Deep down i know that You are here with me
And i know that You came to anything
Help me see the bigger picture. Help me see the unseen.
Life should be more than this. This routine should not killing me.

Enggak boleh ngeluh. Enggak boleh males-malesan. Ini pilihan yang sudah kamu ambil dengan pemikiran matang dan dewasa.
Terus kalaupun sebelumnya sudah tau akan seberat ini, apakah akan langsung menyerah?
The price is worth the pain

Through You i can do anything
I can do all things
Cause it's You who gives me strength
Nothing is impossible
Tugas, proposal, UTS, UAS, ktb. Anything!
Nothing is impossible.
Kuncinya cuma tekun, fokus, andalkan Tuhan.
Segala perkara dapat kutanggung didalam Dia yang memberikan kekuatan padaku.

Through You blind eyes are open
Strongholds are broken
I am living by faith
Nothing is impossible
Open my blind eyes.
Help me see the bigger picture.
Help me see the unseen.
Life should be more than this.
This routine should not killing me.
Because You have overcome the world.

Song: Nothing is impossible by Israel Houghton