Senin, Januari 31, 2022


i'm on my way to be your next heart keeper!

emang bener mesti foto di rektorat pake jakun dulu baru kerasa kalo ini bukan mimpi

Kamis, Januari 27, 2022

too soon to spill

 but I can't handle the euphoria

In the end, we choose our own battle.

We choose which one is worth our fight. 

Minggu, Januari 23, 2022

New phase

Did you remember those days back then 

when you wondering about today?

Looking through the pictures with doubt.

But you kept on striving, though.

But hey, take a deep breath and look around.

You are living your dream now.

Sitting in the best seat,

in the best room. 

It will never be easy.

But it indeed is worth fighting for

Welcome to the new battlefield.

Under the shadow of the Almighty,

you will survive

and you will thrive.

Jakarta, January 23rd, 2022

Tya - the girl who pinches her arm every other day.

Rabu, Januari 05, 2022

Sabtu, Januari 01, 2022

I owe you nothing, neither an explanation nor a day out.

The world doesn't revolve around you.

Deal with your own feeling and expectation.